Sunday, February 17, 2013

The first step

Aren't we all (because we care group + readers) fortunate enough to be able to have had the education we did,innocent childhood memories, loving and supporting parents,toys we played with, clothes we wish to look good in, food we crave for, cosy and comfy nest we call our home,health care facility to be fine again after an ailment, for us these are basic needs which we get by default without having to struggle too much for and hence we do not understand the importance of these basic needs...Think of the child who never went to school or had to dropout due to financial and other issues or to the one who is an orphan what it means to live  without the love of parents or to those who are forced to do labour and earn money at a age when they should be playing with toys and studying or to those for whom having food is on their destiny and not choice or to those who die from diseases which could be cured with basic medical attention, or to those who have to be nomads without  shelter!..
This is when you feel grateful that god was kind enough to provide to you ,the basic needs every human deserves but isn't gifted with....then you wonder why is god partial to few? well i think, by doing so he wanted to inculcate the quality of humility and empathy into all of that we be kind and humane enough to see other person like us with emotions and desire...think if everyone had everything ,there would be no sharing, giving or taking ,would we ever realise the existence of any positive feeling in the love,friendship,empathy,humanity,humility? 
As when you help someone in need, both the helper and the one being helped experience humanity. God wanted to create humans and not robots, this is how he ensures we don't turn into one.

So here we are trying to spread and share the joy of our friendship with the world, to make the lives of few people, li'l better, like life is to us :) and hence we form Because We Care :)